Conversation with RoddyRoddy: hey, just checking if you are invis, because I am . If not, message me when you get this. Its a good thing so no stress.
Lydia: Present though i forgot i was invsible. i just signed on like 2 minutes ago. Whats up?
Roddy: have you seen the veto competition yet?
Lydia: Just read through it. Alot of reading lol
Lydia: Got a game plan? I think it would be good if we worked together.
Roddy: yeah, I do... I think I have a pretty good one actually
Roddy: but one thing about it is it requires collaberation of more than 2
Roddy: so, I have to ask you, would you be willing to work with Jeff and Jordan on this? It is not in a major capacity, but I think it is a pretty good plan if that isnt a problem.
Lydia: Yeah me and Jordan are cool plus Jeff is my partner.
Roddy: ok cool, well I am gonna have to talk to Jordan about this, but Jeff I have already talked to
Roddy: Anyways, the thing that I can guarentee you 100% is that you, Jeff and Jordan have no reason to want veto at all this week
Roddy: because as an HoH, you need to have 4 people to pick from as potential nominees, and you and Jordan are not among them
Roddy: and Jeff
Roddy: but those benefits are pretty nice
Lydia: Yeah they are. They could really change the game. Though Im scared if they get in the wrong hands.
Lydia: Who dont you want to win veto this week? Is Monica your target?
Roddy: to be honest I would like Monica to leave, but I am reall just trying to break up one of the other two divisions
Roddy: yeah I was thinking about the problems of the wrong people getting those powers too
Roddy: so, what I think we should do, is one of us bids 100 on each of the last four items (Jordan on freeze because she feels insecure not having a partner, Jeff on silver, me on mystery, you on HoH, but also since that is kinda lame, I would work with you to get the HoH if it is possible)
Lydia: Yeah that works out for me. I really want to win HoH at some point and you three will be for sure safe. But I completely agree with that as long as we are all on the same boat.
Roddy: alright. And I will also promise you obviously that if my mystery box intereferes with nominations I will not use it.
Lydia: Oh ok lol, i trust you. I think me and you have the same thought process on who we both want out and who we want to stay.
Lydia: So Jeff is cool with that plan? I hope Jordan and him can put aside their differences.
Roddy: yeah Jeff is cool with it
Roddy: I will explain to Jordan that yeah you dont like Jeff, but you are probably getting a free week out of this
Roddy: she is smart
Roddy: she will see it I think
Lydia: Yeah as long as you promise her safety, im sure she will agree.
Roddy: yeah, this could be so epic.
Lydia: I dont think the other four will see it. They know that I dont get along with Jeff that well, and they wont see Jeff and Jordan working together after their blowout. lol
Roddy PM's me the next morning...Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I was able to speak to Jordan last night, and she is a go! She is a little apprehensive, but I am pretty sure she will still follow through. Now we just gotta hope that other people do not bid 100 on our items. I think it is pretty likely that we have this though. I respond...Yeah I spoke to Jordan aswell. She didn't like the idea of working with Jeff but as long as you get the mystery prize, and Jeff doesn't, she would be cool with the plan. I think this will work out great!
One thing you can expect in the Big Brother Warzone house is that any this is possible. Who would have funk that me, Roddy, Jordan and Jeff would work together in this challenge? Especially Jordan and Jeff after their huge "blowout" on the forms. Which BTW... I read that fight again and I never laughed so hard in my life. Jeff is trying to be all serious and trying to use good grammer and nice fansy words, and Jordan's responses were like "OOPS2YOU!". Love it. It was a priceless fight.
I don't trust Roddy that much because of him being aligned with Jeff but the thing is that Roddy has control if me or Jordan goes up as the replacement, and if he can promise that we don't leave this week, then I am game. I can play nice with Jeffrey the creep, hopefully Jordan can aswell.
The plan is that I go after the HoH prize [which I was going to do anyways because I want HoH. Bad.] Roddy will go after the "mystery prize" [which is good because Jeff can't get his greasy hands on it] Jeff will go after the Silver PoV [which is not that great because he cant save himself, so that works out] and Jordan will go after the "Freeze" prize which basically means she has a pass to the final 7.
We are just making sure that powers don't fall into the hands of people who don't know what the hell they are doing here, so we have somewhat of control of the next few weeks because these prizes can really affect the outcome.