Conversation with RoddyRoddy: lol James is so fake
Lydia: I know. He just kepted going on and on and on and on... while i kepted on ignoring him. haha. But if your with Jeff, kudos to you, haha you still have my vote
. Though I dont beleive him. He will say ANYTHING to win.
Roddy: lol Jeff and I are long passed expired
Roddy: The convo I sent you was basically the first one I have had with him since my nomination last week
Lydia: Whoever can work with him and stay sain...deserves a medal.
Roddy: except the one where he tried to gloat
Lydia: So he lied about the all guys alliance? Why would that be smart anyways? LOL There is only two girls left.
Roddy: nah not a complete lie. Last week when I was on the block I talked to him about how it wouldnt be a good idea to keep Renny because then if I left last week and Jeff leaves this week, its basically him against 4 girls
Roddy: and Kev is a girl
Lydia: ohhh yeah i forgot about that
Lydia: But yeah he really twisted your words, but yeah i knew it was from when you were nomianted and needed his vote
Lydia: i would have said anything to him too haha
Roddy: well I am glad he tried to pull that shit because now I will be glad to see him leave
Roddy: assuming that him and jeff don't team up
Lydia: God that would suck. But James cant win crap lol. But yeah I hope he does leave. You know the pics he posted on the veto ceremony? he posted the same in the PM he sent me earlier.
Lydia: Oh and did you see my responce to jeff calling me a lydiacuntsheepweakass?
Lydia: which by the way, is an AWESOME name
Lydia: if i might add.
Roddy: yeah I did...I like I like.
Roddy: and its so true
Roddy: he is only cocky if he is in control
Lydia: I know! Its ridiculous.
Roddy: God its a good thing Jeff sucks at the social game
Lydia: Its basically saying why in hell are you working SO HARD in these challenges, when you know your going to loose?
Roddy: because I think he is the only one who knows that you and I are really really tight
Roddy: like, including the evicted people
Lydia: Unless Jeff is seriously fucked up in the head and thinks he has a chance.
Lydia: Yeah he does.
Roddy: actually, not to place blame or anything because that is totally not what I am getting at when I say this. But I think that you are the reason I was nominated last week. I think Jeff is REALLY threatened by our relationship
Roddy: because he knows I will go out on a limb for you, and I think he ONLY wanted me to do that for him
Lydia: I actually thought about that aswell. He sees me and you teaming up as a BIG threat for him making it to the end.
Lydia: And plus he is jealous that you and me are wayyyy tighter than you and him ever were.
Lydia: "Jeff" (1:39:09 PM): i just think it's funny how everyone is laughing at how pathetic you are, stuck up roddy's ass.
Lydia: Yep Jeff is alittle jealous of us hahahahahaha
Roddy: yeah I figured thats why he called you a sheep. He thinks I have got you under a spell
Roddy: in reality, we are just friends lmao
Lydia: I know, he kepted saying that you boss me around.
Lydia: I wanted to say "Well you know how i react to people telling me what to do EXAMPLE: You threatening me and bossing me around in week 1"
Lydia: But I just went along with it
Lydia: He probably wanted to get info out of me
Lydia: But I just responded with little smart ass remarks
Roddy: I think his plan is that he is trying to get something out of us that will turn Jordan against us
Lydia: Most likely, he has been trying to be extrememly nice to her.
Roddy: tbh, he doesnt have that bad a strategic mind. He is the ONLY person all game who has realized that you/me/Jordan are the biggest threats in the game. But his social game is just so awful that he cannot pull off a plan in this game.
Roddy: because you me and her have LOYALTY to one another
Roddy: the most underrated characteristic in BB
Lydia: something he doesnt grasp LOL
Lydia: Yeah i know... people dont think that matters but it does
Lydia: and being social aswell... Jeff is a great example how it helps to have a social game
Lydia: But yeah i agree. so true.
Roddy: yeah, the only reason I am still in this game is because i have a social game
Roddy: otherwise I was dunzo last week
Roddy: Jeff says now that he was trying to keep me, but no way is that true
Lydia: No if he knew about you/me/jordan. He would want to get rid of you to weaken us.
Lydia: So if Kevin would have voted you. I think he would have kepted Renny, but its hard to tell with him.
Lydia: He seems to think on a different brain wave as us lol
Roddy: I agree
Roddy: he wouldnt have kept me under any circumstances
Roddy: because that would mean allowing you and Jordan to get what you want
Lydia: True aswell. He should have nominated you and I. though Jordan would have saved one of us when she won veto, and Renny would have gone up.
Roddy: Yeah, in my fight with Jeff I explained to him that I wasnt really that bitter, I just dont think he deserves to win because of his strategic ineptude
Roddy: Nominations of me against Kev would have been 100x better for him
Roddy: if he was able to work on James and Renny and solidify a final 3
Roddy: because if you or Jord won veto
Roddy: the other one would go up
Lydia: Yeah. He just turned the whole HOUSE againsth him... unless maybe not Kevin.
Lydia: Yeah true
Lydia: that would have been smarter to do on his part.