Hi Jeff
I never took the game personally and I even told you that. I've actually told you on numerous occasions that once the game was over, you could talk to me whenever you wanted. I knew you had a way to twist people's words around, that was very evident in our open fight on the boards, so forgive me for ignoring your IMs for about a week after and not answering your "trapping" questions. It was SO transparent and to shield myself from the possibility of you forging, I showed every single one of my allies what you were doing so that you wouldn't be able to say I said something I never did. It's a game and there is nobody who knows this better than me, trust me.
I'll comment on this when answering your questions.
Maybe from where you were sitting, but not at all, lol. Roddy was an ally, but I was NEVER up his ass by any means. After week 2, I told him how I definitely didn't want to see Alex go and that I thought Alex would have the votes to stay. Roddy was telling me how if you wanted Alex to go, you would use veto on Renny and nominate Lydia in her place. sure enough, that's exactly what happened? did u guys think i was blind to that or something? Jeez. Ever since then, I watched everything I said to Roddy unless it was already out in the open [like me being against you]. The REASON i went along with that veto plan was to prove to Roddy the kind of player you were. I didn't even care to have the freezer. The only item I wanted was the mystery box. Seeing as how Roddy was going for it anyway, I thought I would take the opportunity to prove something to him.
When we all got our "prizes," Lydia told me Roddy was afraid to message me [LOL]. please, i knew it was coming anyway... but most importantly, that's when i knew she and him were VERY close. AGAIN, I had my nose so far AWAY from his ass, that i was planning on NOMINATING him opposite YOU during Final 6/5. If you're referring to week 1 or 2, then oh jeez, i'm sorry for not being able to read people so early on in the game. I must be a terrible judge of character, but as soon as he showed his cards, I knew exactly how and what to say to him.
ILM - OOPS, never watched this show :-\ There's a "hot" blonde if i recall... so you're as hot as her.
Survivor - Coach from Tocantins: Besides for 1 or 2 people who worshiped him, most of the cast didn't really like him and by the end, everyone turned on him, including his allies. He had this "I'm better than everyone" attitude that you seemed to exude. You definitely showed us your cocky side and acted however you pleased with everyone. When being asked a question and you start feeling backed up against a wall, you sort of just let the fangs come out and start threatening instead of talking it out. Coach did that as well and lost respect because of that.
Big Brother - James Zinkand: Almost impossible to evict. Of course I can't pick someone EXACTLY like you because in real BB, you can't play in every HOH and you can't play in every POV, but James was targeted by the majority of the house and kept winning his way out of it. Not the exact same situations, considering you did most of the HOH winning to keep yourself safe, but you still both struggled with the same things. You both got a little cocky when in power and then been out for survival ever since. At the end, both of you lost and both of you were evicted for not targeting the right people [you ignoring me as a threat and James ignoring Ryan as a threat].
TAR - Jonathan: LOL. Remember Jonathan and Victoria? The dysfunctional married couple that ended up on DR. Phil? Yeah, him. I say him because I don't usually remember many TAR players, but he stands out in my mind and he was a hell of a character. He was a hot head, not very respectful to his wife and often called her names and acted demeaning towards her. I recall you calling me a cunt and a bitch, which pissed me off and parts of the reason why I ignored you for a little bit. I didn't take it personally, but I didn't want it to turn into a name-calling match, so I ended it then and there. Jonathan also thought of his wife as weak and someone bringing him down. I believe you made similar assumptions about us girls and then got evicted by one of us! I wonder if Victoria ever kicked Jonathan out
Good Person:
The first week, I really liked you so obviously you're not a bad person. Despite what you may think, I never thought the gameplayer Jeff was the real you, but you can correct me if I'm wrong. I had good conversations with you and had a lot of fun pretending you were my showmance, so the joking side of you is definitely there. I think you are funny as long as you don't have a hidden agenda, aka winning a game, lurking behind. I definitely saw some sensitivity from you towards the end, although that could have been due to the game [probably was], but you know
how so it's got to come from somewhere!
You are a force in the game and can definitely not only win a shit load of competitions, but you are also good at the manipulation stuff. You can probably weasel yourself out of certain situations and if someone is unlucky enough to fall for it, you
will prey on it. It's up to the other players to smell the BS and you're good at concealing it. It's unfortunate for you that you weren't dealing with a bunch of morons in this game though.
the reason you think the three of you played the best games is probably because you think your alliance was such a secret and that you dominated a big portion of the game. The thing you don't get is that it was probably the most
obvious alliance/deal in the game. You used pov on her week 2, she didn't nominate you week 3 and then u didn't nominate her week 4. The reason you think all your gameplays were superior was because you have an actual idea of what strategies went on... since you were PART of it. What YOU don't realize is that the REASON you think I "sucked" is because I WASN'T obvious with my strategies and I certainly wasn't going to talk game with YOU.
To be honest, I don't agree with you because I see major flaws in all 3 of your gameplays. Renny and Roddy aligned themselves with you only to be screwed over by you.. so how exactly did that help them in the end? You actually lied to Roddy before he had to make a replacement nominee and he STILL stuck by you and you ended up stealing his power. See, you definitely screwed me over early on, but I was proactive in coming after you ever since. No one could predict Chiara getting expelled and had she not, you could have been evicted week 4. I wasn't about to give you another chance to fuck me over.
You, my dear, are an AMAZING competitor. I see it, I don't deny it and I commend you for it. This isn't your typical Big Brother game and I am certain that had it been, you would have thought twice before doing and saying some of the things you have during this game. The fact that you were eligible to compete in every single HOH and Veto competition is probably the sole reason [except for Roddy's HOH] that you were not evicted till final 4. You are capable of being a smooth talker, so I know you
can be a social threat, but you certainly weren't one in this game and that's where
I stood out. I won competitions when I absolutely
NEEDED to and I socialized my way out of tough situations like a good social player does.